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Unions in RescriptRelay

Since ReScripts type system is quite different to Flow/TypeScript, working with unions is different in RescriptRelay compared to regular Relay. In RescriptRelay, every union is unwrapped to a polymorphic variant.

Let's clarify this with an example. Imagine this GraphQL schema:

type User {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!

type Group {
id: ID!
name: String!

union Owner = User | Group

type Query {
roomOwner(roomId: ID!): Owner

Here we have a union Owner that's either a User or a Group. There's also a root field called roomOwner which returns the Owner of a room. Let's look at how using that union looks in RescriptRelay:

/* RoomOwner.res */
module Query = %relay(
query RoomOwnerQuery($roomId: ID!) {
roomOwner(roomId: $roomId) {

... on User {

... on Group {

let make = (~roomId) => {
let queryData = Query.use(~variables={roomId: roomId}, ())

switch queryData.roomOwner {
| Some(roomOwner) =>
{React.string("Room is owned by ")}
{switch roomOwner {
| #User(user) => React.string("user " ++ (user.firstName ++ (" " ++ user.lastName)))
| #Group(group) => React.string("group " ++
| #UnselectedUnionMember(typename) => React.string("Unselected member type: " ++ typename)

Let's break down what's going on here:

  1. We make our union selection in the GraphQL query. Note that we select __typename even though we don't use it anywhere - RescriptRelay enforces this, you must select __typename for all unions. Don't worry, the compiler will scream at you if you forget it.
  2. We fetch our query data, and we switch on roomOwner to make sure it's actually there in the data.
  3. We then switch again, but this time on the polymorphic variant representing the union. This polymorphic variant will have each possible type of the union, and the fields selected on that type. It also adds UnselectedUnionMember(string) to every union, which will force you to handle what happens if there's another member added to the union before you have time to update your app. The string payload is the __typename of the retrieved member that wasn't selected. This is pretty neat way to ensure you gracefully handle your schema evolving.

Wrapping up

And that's that! Keep the following in mind about unions and everything will be fine:

  • Remember to select __typename
  • Remember to handle UnselectedUnionMember